
Mighty Tiny Book Shop - second hand books - Australia wide.

Book photos

All book photos are stock images - they are not the actual copies being offered for sale. Where a stock photo is not available, a generic, red, hardcover book is shown.

Book conditions

1 Star - Very Poor Very poor and/or significantly damaged. Pages may be severely torn, binding may be coming apart, pages may be missing. Book may have serious foxing or yellowing of pages, dirty pages or be severely marked. Any book missing significant content (due to missing pages or missing parts of pages) should be listed as poor.
2 Stars - Poor Poor condition, possibly with some minor damage. Excessive marks such as margin notes, underlines, child scribbling may be on this book. Pages may be yellowed with age, have foxing, be torn or folded but the content should be complete.
3 Stars - Good Good - no marks except possible inscriptions (like names or prices on first few pages). Not significantly damaged (minor chipping or folded pages is acceptable) - a good reading copy. May show signs of having been read or used before.
4 Stars - Very Good Very good condition - as per a Near New book but shows signs that it has been read before. No marks, no foxing, no folded, torn or yellowed pages.
5 Stars - Near New Very good - near new. No marks, no foxing, no significant damage - comparable to what you would expect of a newly purchased books. Very minor imperfections are acceptable.


Books can be shipped Australia-wide. When you select a book for purchase, choose a shipping option. Shipping attracts an additional fee.

Pick up

Books can be picked up from Mighty Tiny Bookshop store locations. When you select a book for purchase, choose pickup as your shipping option. Pickup attracts a nominal fee.